Little Miss Takes, a local ‘Horror Punk’ band based in Belfast follow their debut EP ‘Bela Lugosi’s Pro Skater 3’ with another thriller in the aptly titled ‘Monster Party Hits’. For those asking “what is horror Punk’?” think back to the days of Alice Cooper and W.A.S.P in the 80’s. From the first chords of track one ‘Killer Clowns from Space’ you realise one thing….. That these guys are fun as well as good!!!! And that continues through the other three tracks with Mick Van Dyke’s vocals reminiscent of a young Vince Neil from Motley Crűe. When the EP comes to an end with ‘Drag Queen Dracula’ I’m disappointed that there’s no more. In these days of over produced pop music these guys are a breath of fresh air. You don’t have to wait to Halloween to have your own monster party, checkout Little Miss Takes you won’t be disappointed.
◀ STANDOUT ⁞ Mina ▶
◀ SOUNDS LIKE ⁞ The Blitz Kids | Misfits ▶