Podcast #017 ⁞ Old Fang, New Tricks by Chordblossom on Mixcloud
Belfast’s newest label boss, Thomas Camblin joins Peter and Rob in the studio this week for an in-depth chat about everything Old Fang, what NI artists he tips for big things and some news on his own upcoming musical ventures.
If you’re a Musician/Band and would like to submit your music for possible inclusion on the Chordblossom Podcast get in touch at – info@chordblossom.com
If you’re a Musician/Band and would like to submit your music for possible inclusion on the Chordblossom Podcast get in touch at – info@chordblossom.com
Tracklist ▶
Small Hawk Orchestral ⁞ Deathbed Repentance
More Than Conquerors ⁞ Amounts To Nothing
Little Rivers ⁞ I’ve Lost No Sleep
Callum Stewart ⁞ Free
BeeMickSee ft. Yellow Bridge ⁞ Love
Part Time Pilots ⁞ Tally Ho Amigo