[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/93798014″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
London four-piece, Burning Condors are making quite a name for themselves, with gushing reviews across the board. I can certainly hear why this is the case. They play a ballsy stripped down Punk-cum-Blues-cum-Rock-a-Billy; the kind that the music press tend to get excited about because it’s new and yet its roots are easily charted. What we have is a mixture of the Detroit Punk of The Stooges, mixed with the ‘white man’s blues’ of The Stones, through the late ’70’s Stray Cats and with the modern production sound and delivery of Arctic Monkeys.
I have to confess I always find it slightly bemusing why a band like this can do a song like this and be heralded as being ‘fresh’, ‘new’ etc when bands playing other genres with equally longstanding roots/heritage (e.g. Heavy Rock/Metal) are often put down as being derivative. But I won’t hold this sense of injustice against Burning Condors. This is a very listenable record. There is a beautiful simplicity to it, no doubt about that and it definitely is catchy. So while I don’t understand people getting all excited about it and attributing some intellectual greatness to it, neither will I go the other direction and slate it for the sake of ‘kicking against the pricks’.
So, click on ‘play’ and check them out. ‘Dirty Girl Blues’ is available right now. http://www.burningcondors.com/