The 28th of June marked the third gig with the current team here at Volume Control. As I watched headliners Runaway GO perform an upbeat and exciting set I couldn’t help but be filled with pride at what we had achieved. The whole event was a success, and also featuring performances from Susie Blue, Those Ghosts and Katharine Philippa.
Since the team’s inception in March of this year, everyone here has grown as event promoters and organisers. Street and social media promotion has become more intentional; communication with artists has become more professional; and the natural roles and talents of the different team-members have become apparent and more defined.
Volume Control has been blessed with twelve strong, vibrant individuals, all very passionate about live music and the local scene. Despite this common interest, to say that the mix of personalities on the team is eclectic would be an understatement! Each member of the team has proven themselves as strong in their own area; Katie and Rosie have demonstrated a talent for promotion; Courteney and Freyja are fantastic videographers; Michelle writes brilliant and eloquent press-releases.
Personally, I have found my place in the team behind the sound-desk. Callum Johnston, VC’s resident soundman, has been excellent in taking time to show me the ropes, explaining the different elements of live sound and letting me experience the role first-hand. I was given the opportunity to mix sound for three of the artists on Friday night, which was a very scary, but very rewarding, experience. We will be sad to see Callum go when he moves to Scotland later this year. Volume Control will lose a talented and attentive soundman; hopefully I will be able to fill his shoes!
Thanks to Chordblossom for giving us this space, and to Oh Yeah and our mentors for facilitating and supporting us in our ventures, and to you for taking the time to read this article. Find us on Facebook and Twitter for updates and information on our gig in August and in the months that follow.
Look out for Teenage Kicks #3 next month!
Connor Reid, Volume Control
You can check out our photos from the gig here – Volume Control: Runaway Go Photo Gallery