On a recent online trek for some new music, irish band Solar Taxi caused my ears to perk up. They are extremely hard to pigeon hole into a precise genre although electro pop is probably a fair reflection. Influences like Goldfrapp and Daft Punk are ever present but it is the soulful vocals of Aisling Brown that soar and give them a distinctive sound.
▶ Tell us about your stage name?
Peter and Aisling had a previous band and thats what Aisling wanted to call it, but she was outvoted. So when this project started she said ‘right, I’m having my way this time!’
▶ When did you start playing music and how long did it take to find your own sound?
It started off with just Peter & Aisling as a duo in ’09, by the time we had all the demos for the album we knew what we were about and had our own sound. The addition of Keith on keys really makes the gigs happen.
▶ What releases have you put out thus far, and which would be the one to listen to for the uninitiated?
We did 2 download singles first and an ep last year, our album came out in September and that’s definately what we’d steer people towards..!
▶ Is there a particular live show that stands out amongst all the rest?
Yes! We had a support slot to a full 02 in Dublin last summer (supporting Roxette of all people). We were very warmly received indeed.
▶ Can you talk about a Highlight and a Lowlight of the journey so far?
Well we’ve some attention abroad (mtv & film licensing) which was exciting and encouraging. As for a low point..to be honest, for the most part things have gone really well for us! But diggin deep…we had a snotty review recently which incorrectly cited our influences and made unfair assumptions about us which was frustrating. But I guess if you put yourselves out there you risk putting your head on the block don’t ye?!
▶ What does ‘success’ mean to you?
Success means creative reward and satisfaction – hearing the album masters back and thinking ‘we made this…deadly!’
▶ You are in control of forming a 4 piece ‘super group’ – who is in it and what do they do?
We’re answering these questions driving back from a gig, and we’ve gotten most of the journey out of debating this one!..and the nominees are…Bernard Purdy & Jerry Jemmott on drums & bass- a soulful funky rhythm section that played with Aretha/King Curtis/BB King. Bowie on vocals/guitar because he’s the coolest most multi-faceted creative musician ever, and Rory Gallagher on guitar – because the Irish would get in anywhere!! – and who doesn’t love Rory Gallagher?! It would be tidy combo!
▶ If you and 3 bands of your choosing were to do a world tour, who would the other 3 bands be?
hmmm.. how about a Brian Eno era Roxy music, Nirvana and The Chemical Brothers (so we could get a good look at their live set up)
▶ What will be the 3 strangest things on your rider when you’re able to make any demand?
1) Girls convent kneesocks – travelling and gigging is so much more comfortable with good socks, and high knee socks with a good elastic are your only man. 2) Mannequins dressed up as the Beatles – to inspire us and make us feel we are in good company! 3) a twister mat – so we could warm pre gig, but creatively
▶ Finally, in a climate saturated with bands vying for listener attention; why should the good old folks at home listen to you guys?
In the youtube age people seemed to have lost any attention span, and won’t entertain anything for longer that 30 seconds. So we just kindly ask that people give it a decent listen to check it out to see if it flicks their switch!
Check out the video for their single “Parcels” –
Facebook ▶ /Solar-Taxi