Rams’ Pocket Radio – Beton Album Launch
Friday 7th June 2013 – Stiff Kitten, Belfast
RAMS’ Pocket Radio takes his name from the influential designs of Dieter Rams. The alias of multi-instrumentalist, Peter McCauley, RAMS’ started life as a drummer in bands and orchestras before beginning to write his own music. With wide ranging and ever changing influences – from Radiohead and Beethoven, to brutalist architecture – it’s pop, but deconstructed a little. RAMS’ released his first full length album, Béton, at a special launch night with many collaborators from the Northern Irish music scene, on the 7th of June in Belfast. As my only previous live viewing was at Belsonic last year where he was on a poorly matched bill I was intrigued as to how differently his songs would sound in an intimate venue with better acoustics. The Stiff Kitten venue is more regularly used as a club venue,so acoustically it would be a vastly different style of sound that would ring around its walls with the launch. Pre show publicity had advertised a plethora and virtual who’s – who of the current vibrant N.Ireland music scene. Featuring members of Snow Patrol,General Fiasco and Duke Special on stage with him.
Duke Special & Peter McCauley – Photo Courtesy of Flixelpix
Presenting the new album’s songs live was a totally different approach from the run of the mill and standard playback album launches. The venue was packed to almost capacity by the time I arrived, and I was initially impressed by the size of the turnout for a local artist that was relatively new to me personally. The various personalities entered and vacated the stage as the new songs were given a live airing. To be honest style wise the music wasn’t easily defined or pigeon-holed. Utilising a variety of genres and styles I feel it would be a complete disservice to Rams-Peter to highlight similarities with other artists. Personal highlight of the night was the current single “Cavities”where Rams where joined by the Portadown singer Katherine Philipa who’s emotive and ethereal vocal quality clearly visually moved many in the audience with her range and dynamics.
Katharine Philippa & Peter McCauley – Photo Courtesy of Flixelpix
Unfortunately due to the large crowd I was unable to pick up a copy of the new album on the night itself. I do aim to remedy this as soon as I can. In conclusion I can highly recommend the live performance of Rams Pocket radio who in a very high quality and vibrant local music scene are endeavouring to deliver something different to people both visually and aurally.
// Second Opinion
A great evening of musical entertainment featuring some of the best and upcoming talent Northern Ireland has to offer. It was nice to see them all pull together for Peter to finally launch Rams’ Pocket Radio’s debut album; it has been a long time coming. There were many highlights on the evening but I was surprised to find that my favourite was Peter’s duet with Soak on ‘Love is a Bitter Thing.’ Her vocals added a more vulnerable and haunting edge to what is a beautiful song. It was a triumphant appearance for Rams’ Pocket Radio to a capacity crowd at the Stiff Kitten, hopefully when the album goes on general release later this year all Peter’s hard work will have paid off. Unlike Mark I did manage to grab the album and I can assure you it’s top notch!
Peter McCauley – Photo Courtesy of Flixelpix