Downtime Summerfest have summoned the big guns to return home and play their hometown. Downpatrick’s famous trio Ash have been announced as the headliners for this years festival. It is a rare hometown appearance for the trio and one that will be eagerly anticipated in the town.
DownTime Summerfest Chairman, Philip Campbell said: “It is our aim to accentuate the positives of Downpatrick and Ash are something to be proud off. We wanted to mark their achievements with the unveiling of the Girl from Mars mural and when the band expressed their approval of that, we thought, let’s see might they be willing to play a gig in the town?”
Musically the festival also features the intriguing Ice Cream Vans and Indie Bands event. A host of great local artists including Charlie Hanlon, Somehow Sentient and The Thing Is… will play sets in St Patrick’s Square while you soak in the atmosphere and enjoy a 99 or two…
Elsewhere the programme features a sports action show, street art performances, yoga at Inch Abbey, food events and if you need more music, you can also enjoy performances from the Raparees and the Speedy Mullan Blues Band.
Plus a trip to the town will give you a good excuse to check out the wonderful Girl From Mars mural from local artist FRIZ.
You can find out more about the festival, view the full programme and of course buy tickets over on the Downtime Summerfest Facebook page.