Moving on Music‘s festival of jazz returns for 2022 following online events last year. Brilliant Corners reaches ten years, and again features a great line up of acts from the UK, Ireland and Europe, all taking place in its spiritual home at the Black Box, Belfast.
The festival kicks off this Friday 4th March with Witch ‘n’ Monk, the duo of Colombian rebel flautist Mauricio Velasierra and British soprano and flautist Heidi Heidelberg. The festival’s eleven events culminate in the Black Box with the renowned Ishmael Ensemble and Belfast’s own Robocobra Quartet, plus an afterparty featuring Kwa Daniels and Kaidi Tatham. The rest of the line up features Wildflower, David Lyttle Trio, Black Top, Potsa Lotsa, Aoife Doyle and Band, The RBG Trio, Jas & Chums, The Long Game, ADJUNCT Ensemble, and SlapBang.
Tickets are available for individual events, or you can purchase a full festival ticket for £45 from the Brilliant Corners website.