Anyone who has caught Petty Youth live will undoubtedly tell you that they offer up a pretty in your face rock n roll experience. With that in mind we are pleased to share the video from their latest effort ‘Too Pretty For The Radio‘.
The video courtesy of DanDanDann Productions captures Petty Youth in their element during a sweaty gig in Voodoo Belfast and gives off a nice lofi-ish/retro vibe that wouldn’t look out of place on a clip from the Old Grey Whistle Test. The song itself see the band pull no punches and deliver a typically cynical garage rock offering that will fit well into their already burgeoning live set.
“Too Pretty For The Radio” carries on the Petty Youth lyrical tradition of piss-taking with the finger pointed squarely at the string-pullers of the socio-political nostalgia industry within the music business, and their ability to not only reinvent the wheel time and time again but give it a bloody good spin while they’re at it. That being said, self-awareness is one of the few things we can be acknowledged for and the other finger is pointed equally squarely right back at us, as this track recalls the NYC, proto-punk pomp of The Dictators and the Scandipunk-cum-Sound City airy aplomb of latter-day Turbonegro; sealed by the signature, leopard-print embossed Petty Youth stamp of authenticity.
Maybe we just don’t fit the narrative, or maybe we’re just not good enough to make it? Maybe we’re too pretty for the radio? Let your foot tap the verdict.”
Petty Youth