Chordblossom Presents: Exposure #006: Echo Raptors, The Racks & Venus Effect
Friday 26th June 2015 – The Bar With No Name – Admission: £5
Chordblossom Presents: Exposure #006: Echo Raptors, The Racks & Venus Effect
Echo Raptors are real rock ‘n’ roll prospects in the Northern Irish scene. Narrowly missing out on a slot at Glastonbury through their emerging talent competition, played for the mayor outside Belfast City Hall and are just generally well regarded for their big, bold sound.
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Don’t be put off by the garage rock tag The Racks are fond of their melodies too. Their first foray into the world of singles, ‘It’s Not Me, It’s You’ is proof that they have a bright future ahead of them.
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Opening actVenus Effect are a bit more experienced than the other two on the bill and it will show in their stage craft. Their roots are in grunge but lighter, some might say Brit pop inspired moments aren’t far from the service.
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