BeeMickSee with support from Yellowbridge and PigAsPeople
Saturday 26th January 2013 – Auntie Annies, Belfast
Kicking things off tonight in Auntie Annies to celebrate the launch of BeeMickSee’s new EP Birds Over Nupes is Dublin based singer song writer Ciara Donnelly and her relatively new project Yellowbridge. As the pretty songstress begins to sing she quickly grabs the punters, particularly those of the opposite sex – with vocals reminiscent to that of Adele to songs such as ‘Windy City’, ‘Voodoo’ and new single ‘Circus’ the indie folk band might be a world of music away to what these punters have expected to hear tonight but it seems to go down extremely well as a roar of applause fills the tiny venue as Yellowbridge draw their set to a close.
Keeping the now generously gathered crowd entertained between sets is the very funny Niall Before introducing the next act he shows the punters how talented he is and has a wee go playing at few guitar chords to ATB’s dancehit, ‘9pm Til I Come’ as it plays in the background. Cheers and laughs fill the room as the Ed Shernan look-a-like gives some banter to the crowd.
The next act to follow is also relatively new post hardcore trio ‘PigsAsPeople’ formed from the ashes of Steering Fail, two ex members drummer Wilson and bass player Chris are joined by guitarist Stevie. Cranking the volume up to a thousand, together they make what can only be described as an immense wall of noise that see a fair number of audience members race to the front of the stage to form a mosh pit. As Chris begins to growl down the mic, a few members of the crowd even have a go at crowd surfing, many of them even chanting the words back to songs such as ‘Glass Fiends’ and ‘Cities’. The guys have made a lasting impression on the Belfast music scene even though they have only been together a few months and have already built up a pretty decent fan-base going by the excitement of the crowd gathered here tonight.
Finally Beemicksee takes his much anticipated place on stage joined by fellow MC Paul Denver. It soon becomes apparent that Paul helps shall we say, to bring BeeMickSee’s music to life as he dances around stage, joining in with the lyrics and even performs small skits during the songs. Brendy is a fantastic performer yet doesn’t seem to take himself too seriously. He obviously loves what he is doing as does the now large crowd who get involved in everything he throws at them. Brendy asks for a human pyramid to be formed and six boozy punters or perhaps dedicated fans polity oblige in the middle of the mosh pit. Quite an achievement for this small venue. New songs ‘Single’ and ‘Who Likes Laughing’ from the new Birds Over Nupes EP, go down really well as a huge roar of cheers from the crowd indicate these could certainly be new favourites among the rap fans as they chant the words back.
Next BeeMickSee tells the crowd to put their glasses in the air while thanking everyone for coming along he kindly fills the glasses up with shots, but no ordinary shots, it is indeed a shot of soya milk. It all goes down as good banter, as there aren’t many rappers in Northern Ireland and more importantly very few who could pull off such a spectacular show as BeeMickSee did here tonight.