Everyone will be able to very much relate to this debut EP from Dundalk’s Sinead McNally. The message in “10,000” is all about doing what you love best in life, just grabbing the bull by the horns and going for it. The Thomas Edison quote on the back cover perfectly sums it up “I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that don’t work”.
Sinead gave up teaching to focus on her music. This seems to have paid off well as her blend of catchy, quirky piano based indie pop is receiving a decent amount of radio airplay lately.
Opener ‘Something has Changed’ and the ‘Let You Down’ really showcase Sinead’s soft sweet and sometimes wispy voice, very reminiscent of English folk duo The Unthanks. At times her voice could be a little more to the fore though. On ‘Green Eyed Monster (Leave Us Alone)’ her voice seems hidden in the background somewhat, behind the heavier guitar and bass. In spite of her voice coming across as being a little swamped, this is the easily the catchiest song here on first listen.
The guitar is played throughout by Martin Quinn with the rhythm section made up of Andrew Quinn on drums complementing David Gaugh’s funky bass lines. The lyrics throughout 10,000 are all about Sinead getting her head straight and deciding on what she really wants to do in her life – “I feel that I need some time on my own, my body is week, I feel it in my bones, I just need time to clear my mind”.
Overall this is a great starting point for Sinead and one that hopefully will set good foundations for her future in music. It seems that she has her mind cleared and looking forward to listening to more ways that work soon.
◀ STANDOUT ⁞ Green Eyed Moster (Leave Us Alone) ▶
◀ SOUNDS LIKE ⁞ The Unthanks ▶