As the clamour and excitement of Kickstart 2014 slowly wears off, it seems only right that we have an update from the winners in 2013, Those Ghosts. The Strabane band have been fairly quiet in the last few months, with family commitments and more importantly some time off in the recording studio preparing their 3rd EP.
‘Not Waiting For the End‘ is the first track to be shown from this latest batch of recordings. There is no grand departure from their previous sound (see Explain & It’s Caving In) although one will notice a slight shift further down the melodic spectrum. The move proves to be a positive one with Aodhan Doherty’s distinctive vocals allowing his partners in crime the freedom to conspire & work their magic in their most polished effort yet. The culmination of both essential ingredients leads to this stirring & grandiose alt-rock anthem. It certainly seems like the band are re-invigorated and this can only spell good things for the forthcoming EP.
‘Not Waiting For the End’ is available now for FREE download from Those Ghosts’ Bandcamp page.