It seemed highly unlikely that we’d be writing about Axis Of again except perhaps in a nostalgic look back sense. Thankfully we were totally wrong and the North Coast powerhouses are back with not just a new single but remarkably a full album.
Beach Light is exactly the sort of triumphant and rapturous return you would expect from the trio. The bruising drums, seismic riffs and naturally memorable sing-a-long vocals are all there. Boy, we can’t wait to hear this live and see them tear the roof off.
Lyrically Beach Light pulls no punches and draws down on issues of pain and trauma. Yet it does so through a lens of hopefulness and hardiness that is refreshing yet needed in these strange and uncompromising times.
The album Bella Pacifica will be released on 22nd April 2022 via No Dancing Records. It is currently available for pre-order via their bandcamp page – Bella Pacifica Pre Order.