Another Chordblossom exclusive for you all, yet again Sullivan & Gold and Smalltown America have kindly shared with us another brand new video. This time we are treated to the delightful ‘Don’t Stand In Line.’ It was filmed and directed by PIGMINTFILM and shot in Gerald Maguire’s workshop in Castlerock, a local artist from Castlerock. Gerald’s shack is situated just three feet away from the railway line; once Sullivan & Gold saw the shack they immediately fell in love with the idea of using it to film their session – Gerald more than happily agreed!
Sullivan & Gold release their new album on Smalltown America, ‘For Foes’ in the UK and Ireland on November 25th, 2013. ‘For Foes’ is an ambitious album focusing on a central character, who is reflecting on his life’s loves, losses and betrayals. Each track provokes new questions about the protagonist’s life and each is painted against a memorable, cinematic backdrop – from the beaches of Castlerock to the historic churches of St. Petersburg.